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Our friends at ComplyCloud has created this useful GDPR-guide - a guide which provides you with a great overview of all the different rules you need to know about the field.

At Cleardox we are mostly concerned about personal information, which is the sort of information we are trying to detect and redact in structured and unstructured data.

Personal information can according to GDPR be divided into three categories:

1: Normal personal information such as:

  • Name and address

  • E-mail address

  • Phonenumber

  • Age and gender

  • Picture or video of a person

2: Classified information

  • Social security number

  • Financial information

  • Information about criminal offence

3: Sensitive information

  • Information about once health and well being

  • Information about race and ethnicity

  • Information about trade union affiliation

  • Information about political, religious and philosophical belonging

  • Genetic and biometric data

  • Information about a person´s sexual orientation

At Cleardox this is exactly the information we are trying to find and redact. The guide is a good playbook for how you deal with this sort of information.

One thing you need be aware of is: When you share information, such as case documents etc., with third parties, personal information needs to be redacted.

The good thing is: Once it is redacted you don´t need to worry about GDPR any longer:)

Get the whole guide here

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